Welcome to my webpage!
I am Miguel Ángel Pozo: husband, father, pastor, Bible teacher and writer. In short, a servant of a great Master. I deeply appreciate that you have decided to enter this place

Roses for Ashes (NOW available)
By telling the biblical story of Ruth and bringing the people of the story to life, Miguel Pozo lifts you up from a place of despair about the wider culture or your personal life and offers amazing hope for the future. You will identify with Ruth and the other biblical characters, their troubles, and their victories and how even in the face of the most challenging circumstances God can bring about love, life, joy, and hope.
You Cannot afford it
Psalm 127 serves emphasizes that unless the Lord is involved, our efforts are in vain. Children are a blessing and a reward, offering protection and support, ultimately enriching our lives beyond material accomplishments.
Children: Burden or Blessing?
In previous posts, we talked about how the world views parenthood and how God views parenthood. The contrast couldn’t be starker. While the world sees having children as a burden, God sees it as a blessing. Now, what exactly does that statement mean? Perhaps we struggle to understand God’s perspective on children as a blessing…
What are you waiting for?
Society teaches us to see children as a burden that limits personal enjoyment. However, the first commandment God gave to humanity was clear: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Having children is an essential part of God’s design, not a secondary option. As a church, we must guide our young people to understand that starting a family…